Dostava je BESPLATNA za sve narudžbe iznad 30,00 EUR

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Jezik: HRV

Black Earl Grey

The world’s most famous tea was named after the British Prime Minister. Its powerful taste is ideal for the morning wakening of even the sleepiest people, and with a drop of milk, it becomes the true ruler of the teas.

Caffeine Yes
Temperature 90°C
Time 3-5 minutes
Način pripreme
[object Object]

Box 87,5 g

Box 87,5 g





11.95 €

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Dostava je BESPLATNA za sve narudžbe iznad 30,00 EUR

Caffeine Yes
Temperature 90°C
Time 3-5 minutes
Način pripreme
[object Object]

Način pripreme

[object Object]
Filter bag

Place a filter bag into a teapot filled with 3.5dl of hot water (90°C). Leave for 3 - 5 minutes and remove the filter bag. Sweeten to taste.

Opis proizvoda

Net wt.

87.5 g


black tea (Camellia sinensis) 92.5%, lemon peel, bergamont flavouring 2.5%

Uvjeti čuvanja

Keep in a dry place!

Produced by

FRANCK d.d., Vodovodna ulica 20, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

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